Tips To Boost Your Studying Skills And To Concentrate On Your Studies .
Hello all Brothers and Sisters in the World, My Name Is Raja Osama living in Pakistan. Today I will be teaching you some great tips that canincrease your Brain performance and also I am giving you some good tips on how to build your studying skills and to concentrate on your studies.
These are the really easy to follow, but only if you want to study hard. I have experienced this in my life during my first year as a student in college. I had a lot of trouble whilst studying and wasn’t able to concentrate on my studies.
So these are the steps I started to follow
1)Make A Time Table:
The first thing that you have to do is to choose a particular time to study and create a Time Table to study the subjects and topics for your exam. E.g. if you are a English Student, then you should select the days for your subject, like Monday and Tuesday and the times that you want to study for, such as 1 hour from 8am to 9am and then take a 15 minute break before starting on the next subject which could physics. Try to follow the Time Table for better results for your exam.
So to avoid this from happening you have to turn your Wi-Fi off with mobile data if you use that instead of Wi-Fi and disconnect your Mobile phone to the internet.
Trust Me this Will Work!
You could download this white noise music as it the atmospheric Sound that will keep you away from noise that is in your house and helps you to study hard. I tried this method and it really worked for me.
2) Turn Off Wi-Fi & Disconnect Your Mobile Phone From the Internet:
This is the important point that you have to follow. This was also the reason why I couldn't Study. When you study with your mobile phone around you, most likely you will keep on checking your phone for notification every now and then. Once you get a message notification you automatically start replying back and because you start doing that you start to lose concentration. This starts to become a long conversation between you and your friend that stops you from studying.So to avoid this from happening you have to turn your Wi-Fi off with mobile data if you use that instead of Wi-Fi and disconnect your Mobile phone to the internet.
Trust Me this Will Work!
3) Download The White Noise Music:
You could download this white noise music as it the atmospheric Sound that will keep you away from noise that is in your house and helps you to study hard. I tried this method and it really worked for me.
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